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Greek School-Policies
English LanguageGreek Language


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The purpose of the Orientation Manual is to clarify the policies and procedures of the Greek School as well document and explain the school's events and activities. All supplemental communication will be done by via email or written letter to the Greek School parents. Flyers will be used to supplement communication. Therefore, it is critical that the Greek School Office and PTA have an active working email address. Also, we encourage you to meet with your child's teacher to discuss his/her progress. All teachers are available from 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. during the days in which they teach. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment. Open communication between the parent and teacher is vital for the success of any student.

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The Greek School registration begins in May for the following school year and continues throughout the summer into the first 3 weeks of September. Parents may register their child at the church office during normal business hours. The church secretary can be reaches at 410-633-5020. Registration for the school year closes by the end of September. In order to register your child for the 1st grade, the child must be 6 years old by September 1st of the incoming school year. This policy is in accordance with Baltimore County School System.

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Blessing of the Greek School

On the second Sunday of the September, a blessing (agiasmos) is held following the Divine Liturgy to bless the students and teachers as they begin a new school year. All registered students and their parents are expected to attend the blessing. A small reception follows in the atrium for the parents and students to meet and greet their teachers.

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Beginning of Classes

Classes begin by the 3rd Monday of the month of September. Please refer to the annual calendar for the exact start date of school year.

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Class Schedule

At the present, all Greek School classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays. The time of the actual classes may change from year to year to accommodate changes in the commitment of the Greek School staff as well as to accommodate parents with multiple children in attendance and parents driving from great distances.

Each class is held twice a week for an hour and half (1½ hours). In order for children to learn a second language, it has been proven that instruction offered twice a week is more effective. Conversely, it is recommended that the Greek language is spoken daily in your household or time is set aside for additional reinforcement at home. The class schedule also includes 30 minutes of dance instruction and 30 minutes of history lesson one day a week. The dance lessons and history lessons alternate weekly.

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Greek School classes begin at 4:30 p.m. or 6:05 p.m. The students are expected to be in class on time and ready to learn. Therefore, please allow time in your child's schedule for a snack, drink of water and to attend to personal business prior to entering the classroom. Also, at no time are cell phones, electronic devices or headsets allowed during class. Attendance will be taken each week and those students arriving more than 5 minutes late, will be marked as a late arrival. Late arrivals not only deprive the late student of the time and information missed, but also disrupts the class. Please take care to arrive on time to school.RETURN TO TOPReturn to top


It is extremely important that every parent and student aims for the perfect attendance. Since Greek School only meets twice per week and for 3 hours of language instruction and 30 minutes every other week for dance and history instruction, it is essential for a student to be present in class and on time so that they may absorb all the material that is presented to them.

If a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get the material covered as well as the homework assignments. A note or email must accompany the student the following class day to be given to his/her teacher explaining the reason for the absence. A parent may contact the teacher via telephone or email to receive class work and homework information. Everyone must submit an e-mail address so that lessons and pertinent information can be delivered. In any event, a student is not excused for incomplete assignments due to absence.

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Attendance at Greek School Program Events

Besides teaching our students, the Greek language, we are trying to instill the cultural values of the Greek Heritage. The Greek School commemorates numerous historical events of the Greek culture. While attendance and participates is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended that every child attends and participates in these events. The dates of each event are listed on the annual calendar.

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Good behavior in class, free of disruptions and reprimands, is a sign of great character and upbringing. Although good behavior is important in any classroom setting, it is absolutely imperative with our program. The teacher must be able to work in a cooperative environment. At no time will disruptive behavior towards any parent, teacher or fellow student be tolerated. Also, children must remain in the classroom and must ask permission to be excused to use the restroom or to get a drink of water. At no time shall a child leave the classroom in search of a parent unless given permission by the teacher. If your child engages in any of the disruptive behavior described above, a note will be sent home and it will be followed up with a phone call. The parent will be required to see the teacher and the principal after receipt of the notice. If the disruptive behavior continues, then a meeting will be requested with the parent, Principal, Father Michael and the Greek School Committee President.

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Homework is an essential part of Greek School because it serves to re-enforce the lessons taught in school. The teachers do not assign busy work as homework. Instead, the homework is used to emphasis and reinforce grammar, spelling and vocabulary. Homework is assigned on a weekly basis and we encourage the students to work on the homework a little bit each day. Set a place aside in your home for completing homework. Have everything available for your child to succeed, such as paper, pencils, tape, glue and ruler and make sure the area is free from distraction. It is critical that your child comes to school prepared with his/her homework completed. In the event, a child is absent from class, it is his/her responsibility to obtain the homework from the teacher either via email, telephone call or from another student.

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All students should come to class having already received a snack or dinner at their home prior to the start of Greek School. We have found that a hungry child cannot concentrate and focus. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide their child with a snack. At times, the Greek School PTA or parents will donate snacks for the teacher's use in the classroom.

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Dress Code

All students should come to Greek School properly dressed. Also, all students must have in their wardrobe the following clothing to participate in Greek School programs:


  • OUTFIT 1: One traditional Greek folk costume
  • OUTFIT 2: One white blouse, navy blue shirt, nude hose or white stockings and black or blue dress shoes
  • OUTFIT 3: One white blouse, black pants and black dress shoes


  • OUTFIT 1: One traditional Greek folk costume
  • OUTFIT 2: One white long sleeved button down shirt, navy blue dress pants, navy blue tie, and black dress shoes
  • OUTFIT 3: One short-sleeve white button down shirt, black pants and black dress shoes

The Traditional Greek Folk Costume may be ordered over the Internet. One website has been provided for you:

Cally Moraytis'Private Greek Costume Collection, 32-12 Astoria Boulevard, Astoria, NY 11103, 718-204-2727 or email at CallinaDance@msn.com

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Dismissal and Student Safety

It is impertinent that upon a student's dismissal from class, the parents physically enter the building to retrieve their child. Even though at times this may be an inconvenience, safety is our number one priority. Also, we strongly discourage any parent from taking his/her child out of Greek School before the stated dismissal time on the class schedule. However, in the rare event that you absolutely have to do so, you must come to the classroom and speak with the teacher prior to the beginning of class or send a note with your child. Also, some parents have been excessively late picking-up their child from Greek School. A late fee of $25.00 will be accessed to any family that arrives more than 5 minutes passed the scheduled ending time of class.

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Weather Policy

The Greek School system follows the weather policy of Baltimore County School System regarding school inclement weather school closings. This also applies to early closing of schools due to inclement weather. However, there are times when the Baltimore County schools will remain closed due to inclement weather, but the Greek School will open. In those events, each family will be notified via email and telephone call by 12:00 noon.

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Greek School PTA Fundraisers- World's Finest Chocolates Sales Drive

The Greek School PTA is responsible for the expenses of the Greek School. Some of these expenses include: cost for computer repairs, computer paper and cartridges, teaching supplies for the classroom, all paper goods, table cloths and items necessary to support PTA sponsored program and events. Therefore, it is critical for the Greek School PTA to raise these necessary funds. Our major fundraiser is the "World's Finest Chocolates" sales drive. Each Greek School student is responsible for selling one (1) box of chocolates. At the end of the sales drive, the Greek School PTA awards prizes to the top five (5) sellers.

Bake Sale

The Greek School PTA will sell spinach and cheese pies throughout the year in order to continue to fund the Greek School and to ensure that the organization has sufficient funds for the end of year school trip and other important events. The PTA is always looking for parents to volunteer and to help with these activities so if you are interested, please contact any of the PTA board members. Also, please remember that we are always open to new and exciting fundraising ideas so if you have one, please share it with a PTA board member!

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